We have developed and explored the use of photography in clinical psychology
Francesca Belgiojoso
Psychoanalytic psychotherapist specializing in adolescence and young adults. Authorized since 2011 to teach Judy Weiser techniques, she is considered one of the leading international experts in this field, thanks to her many years of experience in the use of photography in clinical practice. She is co-founder of NetFo (Italian network of phototherapy, therapeutic photography and social action photography) and co-author of the book Oltre l’Immagine, unconscious and photography, Postcart 2015.
Agata D’Ercole
Psychologist, psychotherapist with a systemic relational orientation.
Over the course of more than 20 years of clinical experience, he has enriched his training with various tools (PhotoTherapy Techniques, EMDR, autogenic training, mindfulness) in order to be able to offer ad hoc therapeutic paths for the patient. For more than 15 years he has been using photography in the clinical context in various settings (individual, couple, family and group). It deals with training on the use of photography from a systemic perspective. She is co-author of the book Oltre l’Immagine, unconscious and photography, Postcart 2015.
Lynda Scott
English teacher and photography enthusiast, Lynda Scott has been involved in training for 15 years. Lynda’s role is to welcome you with an informative interview to identify the specific needs of each of you and answer all your theoretical and practical questions regarding our training offer. Its task is to understand your educational background, your expectations and needs, both in terms of skills and availability to attend courses.
He wants to make sure that you have the necessary preparation to follow an intense and professionalizing training like ours and that the course is actually suitable for you.

20122 Milano